Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Are you saying yes, when you should be saying no?

I let a friend down today.  That makes me feel sad and disappointed in myself.  What happened to the day when someone said they would do something and you never gave it another thought because you knew they would do it because they said they would?  I did it...the thing I hate most....I said yes when I should have said no. 

B U S Y...that is the theme of our society today.  Are we getting to busy to keep our word? ouch.  There is a price to pay when you let someone down.  You not only have to live with your own inner guilt, you have to live with the consequences that you caused your friend to have to deal with.  Now the faith and trust that friend had in you must be rebuilt.  So....how do we go about rebuilding that faith and trust? A day at a time by our actions, that is how you rebuild that trustLife Lesson..."What you do, speaks so loud that I can not hear what you say."

So how do I move on?
  • First and most important is to ask God to forgive you for the pain you caused this person.
  • Next and just as important is to  F O R G I V E  yourself. 
  • Tell the person you are sorry and that you are aware of the situation it put them in.
  • Then let it go....stop beating yourself up....you can not have a do-over ~ Learn from the pain and begin to ask yourself this very important question when someone asks you to do something - "Am I saying yes, when I should be saying no?  
Grieving people are not really selfish people or untrustworthy people; they are people who really want to be there for others but sometimes they are barely there for themselves.  Maybe the lesson I learned today is to say no, when I want to say yes.

Read it, study it, live it...the Word of God.
It is powerful and full of tools to live by.

Have a Super Wonderful Day...

   Smile at everyone you walk past.  It will make them wonder what mischief you have been up to.

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